
§A Freymundr erected this/these stone/s in memory of Fégylfir, Bresi's son. And Bresi was <lina>'s son. And <lini> was Unn's son. And Unn was Ófeigr's son. And Ófeigr var Þórir's son. Gróa var Fégylfir's mother. And then <barlaf>. And then Guðrún. Freymundr Fégylfir's son coloured these runes. We sought this stone in the north in Balasteinn.
§B Gylfir acquired this land and then in Vika in the north three estates, and then Lønangri and then Feðrasjór.

Hs 14
Hs 14
This rune stone is standing in Hälsinglands museum in Hudiksvall. It was carved with a kind of staveless runes, which makes it very hard to read, but on the other hand the carver could get more runes in less space.