
Vénjótr raised the stone in memory of Guðmundr, his son, a good valiant man.
Sö 167
A beautiful rune stone with a cool face carved upon it. Point at the photo to see the cross on the side of the stone. Vénjótr raised the stone in memory of his son. On the fragment below he himself has died and some friend or relative had a memorial raised for him.

... raised this stone in memory of Vénjótr(?) ... his
Sö 168
These rune stones are now placed near Landshammar farm, but were originally standing on a grave field about 200 meters to the south. That's where I strolled around for 30 minutes looking for them.
Sö 173
Point at the Google Earth-map to see what I saw from that very place. I got very disappointed when I realized that it was just one of the many unmarked standing stones on this grave field, and not one of the rune stone that I was looking for.