
Jakobr in Litlaronr/Lillrone, he had this stone made over his father lafr and his brothers Líknviðr and Símon. Pray for them and for all Christian souls. And then fourteen hundred years and one year less than fifty years had passed since God's birth. And in that year K was the prime-stave and R the Sunday[-stave] in the eleventh row.
G 99
There are five grave slabs in the floor of Lye church. These ones date from the same year : 1449. My friend Ogneslav visited the church, took photos and sent them to me. Thank you very much !

Housewife Hróðvé had this stone made over her husbandsman Jakobr in Managarðir/Mannegård, who was shot to pieces with a gun at Visborg, when King Eirkr was stationed at the aforementioned castle. And then fourteen hundred years and one year less than fifty years had passed since God's birth. Let us pray that God be gracious to his soul and to all Christian souls. Amen.

G 100
A grave slab from 1449 with a pretty dramatic text : "was shot to pieces with a gun". No fights with swords, axes and spears anymore.