
§A Eilífr the Worthy owns me. We two, Steingrímr and I, have spoken much between ourselves for the reason that I want take/learn runes of it.
§B ... ..., I ask you: do you want to marry me, one of these these: mistletoe, ploughshare, 'tistill', 'histill', casket.
§C O[ne], t[wo], t[hree], f[our], f[ive], s[ix], s[even], e[ight], n[ine], t[en], e[leven], t[welve], t[hirteen], f[ourteen], f[ifteen], s[ixteen], s[eventeen], e[ighteen], n[ineteen], t[wenty].
§D They are both lodging together, Clumsy-Kári and Vilhjalm's wife. Hail! Hail and good fortune to you then!
N A39
Right, so this is Elifr's stick, and he used it to learn the runes. It is now in the library in Tønsberg.